Jellkees Keeshonds - Western Australia

PUPPY GALLERY - Some of our babies over the years

I've been good all day
NOW can I have
the cat's dinner pluueease?

It wasn't me
those nasty rough boys did it!

Shall we dance?

Dinner Time - heads down everyone
or you might miss out.

It's not that horrible worm syrup is it?

What do you mean you had a lovely garden before I arrived?
No, thats not dirt on my paws!

You SURE there isn't any food in here?

Can I be a bird dog when I grow up?
See I can point already!

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Jellkees - Western Australia Web Graphics by Jellkees © 2003-2009. All original graphics, buttons, banners, photographs & html files have © 1998-2009. All Rights Reserved by Jellkees. Do not duplicate without Written Permission. Access to this site does not give automatic right to download or copy material from the site unless specific permission has been granted to download one copy for your own use, and provided that no commercial benefit is obtained......However, the downloaded material is still subject to the laws of copyright.